Tour Group arrived safely on 29 December.
Alstroemeria ligtu ssp simsii
Alstroemeria palllida
Alstroemeria pallida
Going well. Lots of flowers, hot sun.
First day hard work as we went to the ski centre, took a chairlift to 10400 and walked on up to 11480 feet.
We had to walk all the way down as the lift stopped at noon for New Year.
Rhodophiala rhodolirion
Oxalis compacta
Oxalis compacta
Caiophora coronata
Viola atropurpurea
Nototriche compacta
Calandrinia affinis
La Parva
Walked to 11500 feet and saw some good plants.
Viola montagnei
Tropaeolum nubigenum
Alstroemeria pallida
Some shots of the next walk and plants seen on the way.
Cruikshankia hymenodon
Oenothera acaulis
Argylia adscendens
Argylia adscendens
Rhodophiala rhodolirion
Pachyleana atriplicifolia
San Francisco Valley
Long hard walk up San Francisco valley. Took 6 hours.
Rhodophiala rhodolirion
Alstroemeria exerens
Tropaeolum polyphyllum
Alstroemeria umbellata
Mutisia acerosa
Tropaeolum polyphyllum
Alstroemeria umbellata
Alstroemeria pallida
Montiopsis sp.
El Planchon
Steep road in 4x4. Has been a dry early year so saw less than hoped.
Viola congesta
Viola congesta
Calceolaria arachnoidea
Travelling, not many plants. Note smoke coming out the top of Volcano Chillan.
Rhodophiala advena
Alstroemeria presleyana
Alstroemeria ligtu ligtu
Rhodophiala sp.
Chillan volcano, Chile
Chillan volcano erupting.
Mimulus cupreus
Loasa lateritea
Viola cotyledon
Chloraea nudilabia
Chloraea viridiflora
Shangri-La, Chile
Shangri-La behind a huge black lava flow. Viola rosulata grows there.
Viola rosulata
Chloraea nudilabia
Alstroemeria aurea
Next stop on the tour: Antuco
Obviously internet bandwidth has deteriorated as the pictures are smaller!
Lapageria rosea
Ourisia microphylla
Mutisia oligodon
Fuchsia magellanica
Viola congesta
The tour group.
Around Lliama
View from the hotel
Mutisia subulata
Chloraea alpina
Mutisia linnearifolia
Mimulus cupreus
'Broadband' improving again
Oxalis squamata
Empetrum rubrum
Mimulus cupreus
Chloraea magellanica
Chloraea alpina
Asteranthera ovata
Mitraria coccinea
Tropaeolum speciosum
Laguna del Maule
Viola glacialis
Calandrinia colchaguensis